Get Involved

There are numerous avenues to uphold our mission of positively transforming the lives of children, permanently.

Why Become A Boutlaws Mentor?

Make A Real Difference

As a mentor, you have the unique opportunity to be a consistent, positive presence in a young person's life. Your guidance and belief in them can unlock their potential and help them navigate challenges with greater confidence.

Share Everyday Adventures

Mentoring isn't about grand gestures; it's the shared moments that matter. Exposing a mentee to new experiences, broadening their horizons, and simply having fun together builds trust and a sense of belonging.

Flexible Commitment

Boutlaws understands that everyone has different schedules and their own lives. That's why we work with you to find a time commitment and meeting frequency that aligns with your availability. We want the opportunity available to everyone!

Make a Difference

Become A Mentor

Boutlaws is more than just a non-profit organization; it's a beacon of hope for children who have endured traumatic experiences or challenging conditions. Their unique approach blends outdoor adventures with therapeutic support, empowering kids to reclaim their strength, resilience, and joy.

Why Get Involved with Boutlaws

  • Transform Lives: Your support directly impacts the lives of children who desperately need healing and a chance to simply be kids again.

  • Foster Community Impact: Boutlaws strengthens communities by investing in the well-being of our most vulnerable members.

  • Create a Legacy of Hope: Your involvement helps create a ripple effect of positivity and resilience that extends far beyond the individual children served.

  • Experience Personal Growth: Volunteering with Boutlaws offers the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn valuable skills, and make a profound difference in the world.

Please fill out the form attached. A Boutlaws representative will reach out to you in regards to joining the Boutlaws mentorship program.

When we support kids, we're not just nurturing them as individuals – we're building the foundation for a stronger, more compassionate, and resilient future.

  • Invest In The Children Of The Future

    When you support Boutlaws, you can impact the lives of young people in your community.